Welcome To John Hill’s

Skateboard Boot Camp!

Receive 35 exclusive video tutorials and guides, learn how to conquer your fears, improve faster than 99% of skateboarders, and find your tribe.

Skateboarding Can Change Your Life!

Hi there!

My name is John Hill and I’ve taught thousands of people how to skateboard.

I’ve dedicated my life to this wonderful hobby. I’ve made over 1,500 videos about skateboarding, that have received over 270 Million views, and have built a wonderful subscriber base of over 1,000,000 people, all interested in skateboarding.

I’ve been riding for over 23 years, and have been a professional for over 6.

The better I got at skateboarding, the more fun it became. What hinders people early on, is a lack of momentum and direction, but the faster you can learn the basics, the more likely you’ll stick with it. That’s why this course exists, to provide you with exactly the information and lessons you need to grow at a faster rate than 99% of new skateboarders, so that you can enter any skatepark confidently, engage with the community, and build a new skill that is physically, mentally, and creatively fulfilling.

The Secret To Lightning Fast Progression

Most people don’t understand the grit required for skateboarding growth, but it’s similar to working out. The idea to becoming strong and healthy may seem simple, but it’s nothing without disciplined execution.

All you have to do is:

  1. Practice with focus

  2. Have a clear path

  3. Skate at least twice a week

Oddly enough, skateboarding doesn’t have a clear path that people typically follow. One of the biggest problems people face, is what to do after learning some basics. Skateboarding is an art, so there are infinite ways to do it, but I believe with any creative median, learning the fundamentals consistently, leads to more creative results.

The Challenges Every Skater Faces

  • I’m improving slowly

  • I’m scared of getting hurt

  • I don’t have enough time to skate

  • I don’t have any friends to skate with

  • I look stupid on a skateboard

  • My community doesn’t support skateboarding

  • My body gets too sore

  • Skateboarding is too expensive

  • I get self conscious

  • I have no where to skate

These are all rational fears, that we tackle extensively in our course. These are not fears exclusive to skateboarding, most people feel they improve slowly, most people are scared of getting hurt, most people are busy, most people have trouble finding a tribe, most people fear how they look, most people are not rich, most people are self conscious. I’ve built a system for conquering all of these problems, and I hope they’ll be useful in other aspects of your life.

Life Problems Skateboarding Helps


-self esteem issues


-fear of commitment


-stunted creativity


-lack of community

Why Skateboarding Matters

I started skateboarding 20 years ago, in a poor, small town. I did well in school, worked lots of jobs, and all the while, felt more fulfilled riding my skateboard, than doing anything the world told me I should be doing. Skateboarding allowed me to find my tribe, to conquer fear, to trust myself, to find discipline, and find a path that existed beyond school, university, work, and boredom.

Today, I have over a million subscribers on Youtube, and make more money skateboarding, than any of the jobs my mother wished for me, but those are not the main rewards that make skateboarding great. The real reward lies in the tools and strategies I’ve developed through conquering thousands of skate challenges, and how those same tools and strategies, have helped me with relationships, careers, and health.

Most importantly, skateboarding has helped me live an unordinary life. I like to think of skateboarding as an athletic art, rather than an extreme sport. Skateboarding is a new way to interpret reality. You take elements that exist for a specific purpose, and bend them to your creative delight.

Who this course is for

The course is for any one interested in skateboarding. I’ve noticed how many adults “used to skate” and every time they wish they never stopped, or that they could get back into it. We want to help new skaters, or returning skaters, at any age, feel confident and supported.

Skateboarding does have a difficult barrier to entry; it can be confusing and painful, but it’s always rewarding. Every creative person should have 3 hobbies, one that helps you keep fit, one that helps you stay creative, and one that makes you money. Skateboarding allows you to get exercise while stimulating creativity.

Who this course isn’t for

  • Any one who isn’t willing to skate a few hours a week

  • Any one with severe health complications: skateboarding is a physical activity, think of it as jogging, if you’re not in the place for jogs, it’s best to avoid skateboarding until you’re in a place for cardio.

  • Any one who thinks progression in skateboarding is a “natural talent”. This believe will limit you when things get tough. Any one can progress in skateboarding. Without the belief that you’re able to, it simply won’t happen.

  • Any one unwilling to document the process via video

    Again, learning skateboarding tricks is difficult, but the entire process should be fun. There is nothing more therapeutic to me than cruising through a new city, listening to some Chillwave, and occasionally finding a new spot to try and figure out. The more tricks you learn, the more the world becomes your playground.

Final Notes

Time required a week to complete course:

This will absolutely vary per individual, but I would recommend spending at least 3 hours a week on focused skateboard progression. The best chance for progress in skateboarding is having fun, but you have to find the time to get outside and skate. The lessons are meant to be fun.

Skateboarding is the world’s best hobby, it’s creative and physical, stimulates the body and mind, and fortunately for us, we live in a market where people happen to think being good at skateboarding is cool, and honestly it is. skateboarding has one of the most difficult barriers to entry, which makes it all the more fulfilling. I believe every one could benefit from a solid year of skateboard practice. I think every one should learn how to kickflip, and if you’re not obsessed with it, all good, it’s not for you, but i guarantee most of the people who take the time to learn 25 tricks, will become obsessed with culture and community.